CASA of Maryland, Inc.
$180,000 / 2005 / Workforce Development
Toward the establishment of the Baltimore Worker Employment Center for day laborers and other low-income workers. CASA, temporarily operating out of two trailers, will provide employment placement services and legal services, and counseling in financial matters.
Vehicles for Change, Inc.
$49,500 / 2005 / Workforce Development
Seventh-year funding of a car ownership program designed to make reliable, reconditioned, low-cost cars available to low-income Baltimore City residents.
Catholic Charities
$500,000 / 2005 / Workforce Development
Toward final construction costs of the new Our Daily Bread Employment Center. The Center will house four programs: Our Daily Bread, which serves meals to an average of 750 homeless persons per day and breakfast on weekdays to more than 100 seniors and disabled persons; Christopher’s Place Employment Academy, a residential program the helps homeless men find and maintain full-time employment at a living wage and permanent housing; St. Jude’s Employment Center, which places poor, homeless, and disadvantaged persons back into the workforce; and The Samaritan Center, which provides traveler’s aid service and bus vouchers to homeless persons who want to leave Baltimore City to reunite with family, find employment, or access substance abuse treatment.
Washington Village/ Pigtown Neighborhood Planning Council, Inc.
$171,089 / 2005 / Workforce Development
For support of Managed Work Services-Baltimore, a transitional work experience to prepare job seekers for permanent employment. Managed Work Services contracts with businesses to staff high turnover, entry-level positions. Teams of up to ten Managed Work Services employees work alongside a job coach to gain valuable work experience in these temporary, transitional jobs, and are then placed into permanent jobs.
The Center for Fathers, Families and Workforce Development
$400,000 / 2005 / Workforce Development
Seventh-year funding of STRIVE Baltimore, a comprehensive job training and placement program for unemployed men and women. STRIVE prepares participants for the workforce through a three-week workshop that focuses on job readiness. Services include job placement, one-on-one and group counseling, and case management.