Second Chance Project, Inc.
$50,000 / 2005 / Workforce Development
To provide housing, employment, mental health services, and transportation to 300 ex-offenders released from Maryland State Correctional facilities. Second Chance will help ex-offenders obtain needed identification, including Social Security cards, Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) identification cards, and birth certificates. Second Chance will work with the Social Security Administration, the Department of Vital Records, the MVA, the Division of Corrections, and MOED to systematize the process by which ex-offenders obtain identification documents.
Baltimore City Public School System (BCPSS)/Baltimore Freedom Academy
$5,000 / 2005 / Workforce Development
Toward costs of Family Matters, a job readiness program operated by BCPSS, designed to develop and implement art workshops for youth and families with young children in an after-school setting. By offering Baltimore Freedom Academy students job readiness skills and opportunities to serve as assistants in art workshops, the program is expected to instill positive work habits.
Seedco, Inc.
$75,000 / 2005 / Workforce Development
For the development of a customized EarnBenefits Baltimore, a web-based initiative to help low-wage workers in Baltimore City determine what federal and state benefits they qualify for, and how to apply for them. EarnBenefits Online is designed to streamline eligibility screening, application submission, and tracking of submitted applications. Low-wage workers will be encouraged to apply for under-utilized benefits such as tax credits, health insurance, Food Stamps, Maryland Energy Assistance Program Tel-life, child care, and the school lunch programs.
BioTechnical Institute of Maryland, Inc.
$37,500 / 2005 / Workforce Development
For support of a partnership with Shire U.S. Manufacturing, Inc., to develop a training program for entry-level laboratory technician positions. The Institute’s program is designed to enhance students’ understanding of biotechnology and to introduce them to careers in the field.
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore, Inc.
$80,000 / 2005 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the Learn to Earn Program, a job training readiness program, at the St. Ambrose Outreach Center. The program helps participants improve language arts, math and computer skills; prepare for and obtain GEDs; and seek, secure, and retain jobs. St. Ambrose Outreach Center expects to enroll 400 participants and place 200 people into employment.