Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
$50,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the Baltimore CASH Campaign, an initiative to increase the use of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and free tax preparation services. Its goal is to complete at least 7,000 tax refunds for low-income taxpayers who are eligible to receive the EITC refunds. The campaign will focus on promoting asset development strategies, including the directing of refunds to individual bank accounts and savings for homeownership and post-secondary education tuition.
The Men’s Center, Inc.
$5,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For the purchase of a vehicle, insurance coverage, and related expenses for the Fresh Food Recovery Program. The vehicle is to be used to collect day-old food from farmers’ markets and redistribute the food to area soup kitchens and other community-based organizations serving approximately 2,000 people each week.
The Men’s Center, Inc.
$5,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
To hire a fund-raising consultant to assist with renovations for expansion of meeting space and the food distribution area.
Normandy House, Inc.
$50,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For renovations of a resource center serving residents of the Coldstream/Homestead/Montebello communities. The center will provide 50 children and their families with a variety of programs designed to engage children in safe activities outside the school day, in order to help keep children off the streets. During the day, a computer lab will be open to neighborhood residents. Volunteers, serving as mentors, teachers, and tutors, will operate the center and offer tutoring assistance, computer classes, piano and other music lessons, sign-language instruction, and a book club.
Art With A Heart
$15,550 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support and expansion of Summer Jobcorps, a visual arts program for 30 at-risk youth living in the Rose Street community. Developed as a four-week job-training program for 14- to 21-year-olds, Art With A Heart offers summer work experience in the creating and selling of marketable art at the 2007 Artscape.