Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Paul’s Place, Inc.

$50,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For support of the Hot Lunch and Ambassador programs for residents of Washington Village/Pigtown. Paul’s Place serves an average of 265 meals per day and more than 65 percent of the hot lunch guests use other supportive services or obtain referrals to other organizations. Approximately 30 guests participate in the Ambassador Community Volunteer Program, a pre-job readiness training program. For every hour worked, a participant earns points toward an incentive payment that can be applied to groceries, rent, or utility bills.

Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare, Inc.

$90,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of career coaching, career mapping, and the Pre-Allied Health Bridge Project. The Alliance was created in response to reports that many entry-level workers lack requisite basic skills for post-secondary training leading to high paying jobs.

Rose Street Community Center

$300,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of rehabilitation services for ex-offenders, adults recovering from substance abuse, and at-risk youth. The center provides transitional housing and case management to as many as 30 men per week, linking them to employment opportunities, providing stipends for living expenses, and referring them to drug treatment and job training programs. An average of 35 at-risk youth and young adults participate in daily peer mediation activities designed to reduce gang-related shootings and homicides.

BioTechnical Institute of Maryland, Inc.

$75,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the BioSTART and Laboratory Associates Programs. BioSTART, a 12-week bridge program, has been developed to introduce Baltimore residents to bioscience terminology, employment possibilities, laboratory procedures, and laboratory math. Upon successful completion, students move on to the Laboratory Associates Program that includes nine-week laboratory classes, followed by three-week internships. The internships qualify the applicants for entry-level laboratory positions with average starting wages of 12 per hour, plus benefits.

St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore, Inc.

$80,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the Learn to Earn Program, a job readiness training program at the St. Ambrose Outreach Center. The program offers adult education, job-training, and placement services. Job training includes coursework in child care, medical terminology, certified nursing assistance, clerical, computer skills, and computer terminology.

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