Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore, Inc.

$80,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the Learn to Earn Program, a job readiness training program at the St. Ambrose Outreach Center. The program offers adult education, job-training, and placement services. Job training includes coursework in child care, medical terminology, certified nursing assistance, clerical, computer skills, and computer terminology.

CASA of Maryland, Inc.

$200,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the Baltimore Worker Employment Center for day laborers and low-income workers. The formal hiring center, where day laborers can have a safe, organized way of finding work rather than waiting on a street corner, will enable more than 250 workers a month to find temporary jobs, 100 workers to find permanent positions, and more than 500 workers to obtain identification cards.

Seedco (Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation)

$75,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
For continued support of EarnBenefits Baltimore, a Web-based tool that helps individuals and families apply for 26 different federal, state, and city benefits, including Maryland Earned Income Tax Credit, the Maryland Health Insurance Plan, Maryland Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Maryland Energy Assistance Program, and the federal Food Stamp Program. The program is designed to streamline eligibility screening application submission, and tracking of submitted applications. Seedco will work with five community-based partners to assist 1,540 individuals in receiving at least one benefit and 385 individuals in receiving multiple benefits.

Center for Urban Families

$300,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
Ninth-year support of STRIVE Baltimore, a job training and placement service for unemployed and underemployed men and women. STRIVE prepares participants for the workforce thorough a three-week intensive workshop focusing on job readiness. The STRIVE model emphasizes attitudinal training, job placement, one-on-one and group counseling, parenting skills, and case management.

Suited to Succeed

$15,000 / 2007 / Workforce Development
Toward operating costs of a program providing professional clothing to women in transition from unemployment or welfare-to-work. The program provides appropriate interview and workplace attire to 1,400 unemployed women seeking work. In exchange for selecting two outfits, the women are asked to donate one hour of time to help sort clothing. After their first interview, they may return to select two more professional outfits in exchange for a second donated hour. Once they obtain a job, they may return to select a fifth outfit in exchange for a third hour of volunteer time.

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