Job Opportunities Task Force
$50,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For support of the Baltimore CASH Campaign, an initiative to increase the use of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), now expanded to 20 free tax preparation sites. The campaign identifies EITC-eligible populations and connects them to asset building resources including benefits screening through the EarnBenefits software, college financial aid filing assistance, and credit-repair counseling.
Maryland Center for Arts and Technology, Inc.
$50,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For continued support and expansion of job training programs for unemployed and underemployed youth and adults in Baltimore City. The center recruits and trains individuals for positions in healthcare and other high growth/high shortage industries.
Maryland Office of Employment Development
$5,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For support of the YouthWorks 2009 summer jobs program.
Rose Street Community Center
$300,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For continued support of rehabilitation services for homeless youth and adult ex-offenders recovering from substance abuse. The center provides transitional housing and case management for up to 52 individuals; and offers opportunities for employment; stipends for living expenses; referrals to drug treatment; on-site GED classes; job training; and homework assistance, peer mediation, and art activities, all designed to reduce gang-related crime.
$75,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For expansion and continued support of EarnBenefits Baltimore, a technical assistance initiative designed to help low-wage workers and individuals access 24 different federal, state, and city benefits and income supports.