CASA of Maryland, Inc.
$100,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For continued funding of the Baltimore Worker Employment Center for day laborers and low-income workers. The formal hiring center offers a safe and organized way to help workers find jobs in construction, landscaping, home improvement, sanitation, and other day-to-day low-skilled physical labor-intensive jobs. The center provides a place to receive workplace rights education, health and safety training, legal counseling, basic vocational training, and identification cards.
Center for Urban Families
$300,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For continued support of STRIVE Baltimore, a job training and placement service for men and women. In a three-week intensive workshop focusing on job readiness, the STRIVE model emphasizes attitudinal training, job placement, post-placement support, one-on-one and group counseling, parenting skills, and case management.
Harbor City Services, Inc.
$15,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
Toward general operating costs of a document management, moving/storage, and warehouse business providing sheltered employment to Baltimore City residents with psychiatric disabilities.
Job Opportunities Task Force
$47,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
Toward renovation costs of 812 North Rose Street to accommodate four additional beds for disadvantaged residents transitioning into the workforce. The program provides on-the-job training and real-world construction experience for six JumpStart program graduates.
Job Opportunities Task Force
$50,000 / 2009 / Workforce Development
For support of the Baltimore CASH Campaign, an initiative to increase the use of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), now expanded to 20 free tax preparation sites. The campaign identifies EITC-eligible populations and connects them to asset building resources including benefits screening through the EarnBenefits software, college financial aid filing assistance, and credit-repair counseling.