Rose Street Community Center
$300,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the center’s drug treatment and job-training programs. The Rose Street Community Center serves more than 90 people a week and provides transitional housing for an average of 45 to 60 men and women. The center also offers mental health services, gang mediation, tutoring and art classes, as well as shelter for homeless youth.
Center for Urban Families
$450,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
For continued support of STRIVE Baltimore, a job-training and placement service for men and women. The STRIVE model, an intensive three-week workshop, focuses on job readiness, job placement, post-placement support, one-on-one and group counseling, parenting skills, and case management.
$75,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
For expansion and continued support of EarnBenefits Baltimore, a technical assistance initiative to help 4,000 low-wage workers and individuals access benefits and income support. The Web-based screening tool helps individuals and families apply for federal, state, and city benefits.
Central Scholarship Bureau, Inc.
$350,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
To provide tuition assistance to Baltimore City residents seeking vocational training through community colleges and for-profit and nonprofit training providers. The bureau will work with community colleges and workforce providers to identify training opportunities in high-growth industries, and will provide tuition assistance for 60 Baltimore residents and students.
St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore, Inc.
$80,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the Learn to Earn Program, a job-training and placement program for 300 participants at the St. Ambrose Outreach Center. The program provides specialized training in child care, medical terminology, certified nursing assistance, and culinary arts.