Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Tuerk House, Inc.

$120,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
Toward expansion of the Open Doors Social Enterprise Project, including staffing costs, stipends for 52 program participants, and the purchase of a 15-passenger van. The Open Doors program will secure cleaning and landscaping contracts, and assist graduates in finding jobs and transitioning into independent living.

Community Health Integrated Partnership, Inc.

$40,474 / 2011 / Workforce Development
Toward support of the Community HealthCorps Workforce Development Program. The program is designed to increase access to primary and preventive health services, improve utilization of health and social services, and provide community outreach and recruitment of volunteers.

The Urban Alliance Foundation, Inc.

$25,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
Toward support of a workforce development initiative to serve low-income youth in Baltimore City. In partnership with the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, Urban Alliance serves 15 youth, ages 18 to 21, who are aging out of foster care, and provides paid internship opportunities to help increase the youths’ work skills. At least nine youth will be placed into unsubsidized employment, or enrolled into postᆳsecondary education or training programs.

Digit All Systems, Inc.

$40,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
For support of Information Technology certification training in Microsoft applications for 200 Baltimore City students. By providing classes in Microsoft Office applications, Digit All Systems expects to award 166 participants with Microsoft application certificates.

The Work First Foundation

$400,000 / 2011 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the Baltimore Ex Offender Re-entry Employment Program for America Works of Maryland participants. The program aims to place 400 ex-offenders into jobs paying an average of $8.50 an hour. The program will help those placed into jobs retain employment for up to 180 days.

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