Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

South Baltimore Learning Center

$34,500 / 2010 / Education
For capital improvements to expand the center to accommodate the External Diploma Program, an adult literacy program that awards a high school diploma.

Art on Purpose

$5,000 / 2010 / Education
Toward support of the Art Leadership program for students at Civitas School, Baltimore Freedom Academy, and Afya Public Charter School. The program identifies and prepares students to be candidates for summer jobs in the arts. Working with 30 high school and 100 middle school students, Art on Purpose teaches participants art skills transferable to the workplace.

The GreenMount School

$5,000 / 2010 / Education
Toward the installation of portable classrooms to accommodate a kindergarten program.

St. Cecilia Roman Catholic School

$5,000 / 2010 / Education
Toward support of the CityWide Special Education Advocacy Project for Baltimore City public school students with disabilities.

Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance

$5,000 / 2010 / Education
For continued support and expansion of programs to integrate arts into the curriculum of Maryland’s public schools.

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