Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)

$38,000 / 2010 / Education
For membership to the National Student Clearinghouse. The objective of the clearinghouse is to procure student data and create a longitudinal data system on college enrollment, performance, retention, and graduation rates for every Maryland high school graduate. The data will be made available to all school systems in Maryland, and the current status of college enrollment and outcomes will be posted on MSDE’s website.

Baltimore Talent Education Center

$25,000 / 2010 / Education
Funding to expand a string music program for Baltimore City pre-K to high school students in five locations. These programs serve as feeders to the TWIGS program at the Baltimore School for the Arts, Tuned-In Program at the Peabody Institute, and Sinfonia and Sinfonietta at the Greater Baltimore Youth Orchestra.

New Leaders for New Schoolsᅠ

$150,000 / 2010 / Education
For continued support of the New Leaders-Baltimore program designed to recruit and develop outstanding school principals for Baltimore City public schools. After five weeks of coursework at the Summer Foundations Institute, and a one-year full-time residency working as an assistant principal alongside a mentoring principal, the New Leader is placed as a principal in a Baltimore City public school. Throughout the first year, the New Leader receives professional development, coaching, and support. Each New Leader is expected to make a six-year contractual commitment to serve in Baltimore City public schools.

CollegeBound Foundation, Inc.

$105,000 / 2010 / Education
For fifth-year support of the College Retention Project for 300 Last Dollar Grant recipients at participating colleges. The goal of the project is to increase college graduation rates among low-income and first-generation college students from Baltimore City public schools. The program includes one-on-one and group on-campus counseling sessions; parent/student seasonal workshops; emergency hot lines; and identification of learning assistance centers, labs, tutorials, and remedial services.

Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University

$40,000 / 2010 / Education
Two grants for continued support of the Music Teacher Mentoring Program for Baltimore City first- and second-year public elementary and middle school music teachers. Two Peabody Institute mentors work with individual teachers, as needed, to ensure that new teachers are provided with the long-term teaching skills not available through the limited professional development opportunities within the school system. Special attention is given to lesson planning; delivery of lessons; teaching of rhythm, tone, and instrument care; and strategies of classroom management. The program also provides a forum for music teachers to share ideas.

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