Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Stocks in the Future Foundation, Inc.

$25,000 / 2011 / Education
Toward the expansion of Stocks in the Future from 11 classrooms to 21 middle-grade classrooms in Baltimore City public schools. Participating at-risk students, selected by principals, take a weekly financial management class for three years exploring investment options, as well as how to open a business and “take the company public.” They will also be given the opportunity to purchase and track publicly traded stock. Upon graduation, stock ownership will be legally transferred to the students.

Boys Hope Girls Hope

$66,495 / 2011 / Education
For tuition, fees, and living expenses for eight boys graduating from Boys Hope and enrolled in four-year colleges. It is expected that all promising Boys Hope scholars will maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 and finish college. Boys Hope Girls Hope is an educationally focused residential program offering college preparatory education for at-risk, yet academically capable, students.

Johns Hopkins University

$197,604 / 2011 / Education
Two grants in support of a study, “Connecting Housing and Education Policy: Examining Educational Outcomes for the Children of the Baltimore Mobility Program.” The purpose of the study is to determine how residential relocation through the mobility program can affect access to school quality for Baltimore City children in the Thompson housing assistance program, as compared to achievement levels of those children who have not yet moved.

Teach For America-Baltimore

$250,000 / 2011 / Education
For expenses related to the cost of recruiting, selecting, training, and ongoing support for 165 new Teach For America (TFA) corps members, including funding to retain 160 second-year cohort members. The program will develop four TFA alumni for leadership positions as lead faculty, principals, or administrators in Baltimore City public schools for the 2011-2012 school year.

Calvert Educational Services

$5,000 / 2011 / Education
For the implementation of the Verticy Learning Program, a phonics and spelling curriculum at Abbottson Elementary School.

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