Maryland Center for Arts and Technology, Inc.
$40,000 / 2012 / Workforce Development
For continued support of health care and evening GED training for 20 unemployed and underemployed youth and adults in Baltimore City.
Baltimore Outreach Services, Inc.
$25,000 / 2012 / Workforce Development
Continued funding for support of internships for eight homeless women participating in the Culinary Arts Job Training Program. These internships allow students to hone their skills and gain on-the-job work experience, while employers benefit from being provided with qualified candidates.
Maryland Community Health Initiatives, Inc.
$246,815 / 2012 / Workforce Development
For Year Two support of the Partnership for Growth initiative, an education and job-training program created to serve 60 clients of Penn North, an integrative and addiction recovery center that offers acupuncture and mediation programs for the treatment of addiction. Partnership for Growth offers training in street cleaning, lawn and property maintenance, landscape design and installation, ground-level tree trimming, touch-up painting, and hauling. Along with the required fieldwork, participants spend at least two hours a day in the classroom, focusing on resume writing, job-search strategies, effective communication, job interviewing, dressing for the work place, computer literacy, and budgeting.
BioTechnical Institute of Maryland, Inc.
$75,000 / 2012 / Workforce Development
For continued support of the BioSTART and Laboratory Associates programs. The BioSTART program, which enables high school graduates and low-skilled workers to pursue entry-level positions in bioscience, is a 12-week “bridge” course that introduces participants to bioscience terminology, occupations, and lab procedures, and provides math remediation. The Laboratory Associates program consists of nine weeks of lectures and laboratory activities, and a three-week internship in a biotech laboratory.
Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
$150,000 / 2012 / Workforce Development
For support of the Maryland House of Correction Inmate Deconstruction Project, an inmate workforce development training program. The project provides 50 inmates with training in occupational safety and the removal of hazardous materials. Fourteen buildings are slated for deconstruction.