Environmental Law Institute
$20,000 / 2001 / Environment
In continued support of the Forests for the Bay Project in an effort to abate forest fragmentation and disappearance of Maryland woodlands. The project advocates the voluntary landowner management of existing forestland, cooperative management of smaller parcels, re-establishment of trees in brownfields, provisions for property tax incentives for retention and stewardship of forests, expansion of programs to secure forest buffers along the waterways, and better monitoring of current forest harvest practices to ensure compliance with regulations.
Herring Run Watershed Association
$5,000 / 2001 / Environment
For general support of stewardship activities designed to improve the environmental quality of the Herring Run watershed, which reaches the Chesapeake Bay.
Scenic America
$10,000 / 2000 / Environment
Seed funding to establish a statewide scenic conservation organization, Scenic Maryland, as an affiliate of Scenic America. The purposes of the program are to continue the education of local citizens about scenic conservation, serve as a local watchdog on billboard measures, and work in partnerships and collaboratives to protect Maryland’s scenic beauty.
Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound Program
$5,000 / 2000 / Environment
Toward the expansion of the Communities Organized to Revitalize the Environment (CORE) Program. Funding supports after-school activities for Baltimore City public school students.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
$5,000 / 2000 / Environment
For expenses related to the seventh annual Environmental Legislative Summit.