Center for Watershed Protection
$25,000 / 2001 / Environment
To support the Builders of the Bay program, designed to launch a series of local roundtable task forces. These task forces will investigate existing building codes and ordinances and make recommendations to local county planning commissions designed to make building codes environmentally sensitive and economically feasible.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
$5,000 / 2001 / Environment
For support of the 2002 Environmental Legislative Summit.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
$170,000 / 2001 / Environment
For costs related to a rewrite of Turning the Tide, a book on the current state of the Chesapeake Bay and the outlook for its recovery. An interactive website will also be developed to accompany the publication.
The Conservation Fund
$150,000 / 2001 / Environment
Two-year grant to provide technical assistance to local county officials and land trusts to facilitate Maryland’s Green Print and Legacy Programs. The Fund will also produce and distribute “Better Models for Development in Maryland” as an educational tool to encourage local officials to take more strategic approaches to land conservation in Maryland.
Earthome Productions, Inc.
$11,500 / 2001 / Environment
Three grants for expenses related to production, pre-screening and symposia on “The Next Industrial Revolution,” a treatise on sustainable economic, environmental and social responsibility.