Chesapeake Bay Foundation
$5,000 / 2002 / Environment
For support of the 2003 Environmental Legislative Summit.
The Chester River Association
$5,000 / 2002 / Environment
Toward supporting the position of a riverkeeper, to serve as guardian of the Chester River charged with protecting its water quality and biodiversity from further degradation. As land use changes impact the watershed, the riverkeeper will maintain a public presence in planning efforts.
Earthome Productions
$5,000 / 2002 / Environment
In support of public discussions about the video, “The Next Industrial Revolution,” which presents the challenges to economic development and environmental and social responsibilities for future sustainability.
Friends of Patterson Park
$5,000 / 2002 / Environment
For reprinting the “Master Plan for Patterson Park” and publishing an “Update and Supplement to the Master Plan for Patterson Park.”
Friends of Patterson Park
$5,000 / 2002 / Environment
Toward the cost of a crime prevention program in Patterson Park during the summer months in an effort to increase use of the park among the young and old.