Episcopal Social Ministries, Inc.
$30,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For the replication in the Collington Square neighborhood of the Cathedral House Re-Entry Program for recovering addicts and alcoholics. The eight-week session offers a non-traditional approach to the challenges confronting newly recovering and homeless, substance abusers: a combination of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, instruction in spiritual literacy, life skills, and job readiness.
Jubilee Baltimore, Inc.
$50,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For expansion of the Moving Up program. This workforce development program is designed to help low-income workers build good employment histories and obtain living-wage employment through post-employment and career advancement support.
Parks & People Foundation
$77,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Three-year funding for continuation of the Baltimore Baseball League. The program has been designed to increase interest in baseball among urban youth, encourage students to excel academically, provide meaningful after-school activities, and promote physical fitness.
BUILD Fellowship, Inc.
$5,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
A planning grant to determine the feasibility of providing staffing services to firms in the construction industries for BUILD’s Solidarity Sponsoring Committee Employment Agency (SSC). The purpose of SSC is to help low-wage workers gain access to better jobs and higher wages, and to have the opportunity to ensure wage equity.
Frederick Community Action Agency
$40,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Capital funding for renovation of a building for use as an expanded primary health care clinic serving low-income and homeless persons in Frederick County.