Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Universal Classroom Breakfast Program

$45,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For staffing to monitor and enhance the Universal Classroom Breakfast Program currently being implemented in 51 elementary and middle schools. The program is part of a longitudinal study to determine the long-term effects of students’ participation in breakfast in the classroom (as opposed to the cafeteria) on attendance, tardiness, disciplinary action, and academic achievement.

Citizens Planning and Housing Association

$15,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Three grants for legal fees related to the Woodberry Community billboard litigation.

I Can’t We Can, Inc.

$191,658 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For the acquisition and renovation of three houses in West Baltimore to house recovering addicts participating in a 60-day detoxification program.

Maryland Community Kitchen

$145,835 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For repairs, renovations, and related expenses of relocating to the former Haussner’s Restaurant in Highlandtown. Maryland Community Kitchen is a provider of nutritionally appropriate meals and nutrition counseling to people with special dietary needs, or at risk of going hungry. The new facility will also serve as a job training center in culinary arts skills for unemployed or underemployed persons.

University of Maryland School of Medicine

$28,800 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Toward the salary and benefits of an outreach social worker for the hospital-based Violence Intervention Project. The 18-month pilot project has been designed to provide 40 repeat violence victims with a comprehensive range of support services, including counseling, job training, job search and placement, to determine the effectiveness of the intervention in reducing violence recidivism, crime, and medical expenses.

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