Maryland Community Kitchen
$145,835 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For repairs, renovations, and related expenses of relocating to the former Haussner’s Restaurant in Highlandtown. Maryland Community Kitchen is a provider of nutritionally appropriate meals and nutrition counseling to people with special dietary needs, or at risk of going hungry. The new facility will also serve as a job training center in culinary arts skills for unemployed or underemployed persons.
University of Maryland School of Medicine
$28,800 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Toward the salary and benefits of an outreach social worker for the hospital-based Violence Intervention Project. The 18-month pilot project has been designed to provide 40 repeat violence victims with a comprehensive range of support services, including counseling, job training, job search and placement, to determine the effectiveness of the intervention in reducing violence recidivism, crime, and medical expenses.
Baltimore City Public School System/Harford Heights Primary School
$46,250 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For continued support of the Vision Therapy Program for the 2000-2001 school year. The program provides complete vision assessments for fourth graders, offers an intensive course of vision therapy for up to 50 students, and evaluates the impact of the intervention on the students; visual and academic performance.
Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning
$5,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Toward the development and implementation of a strategic plan to prevent lead paint poisoning.
Institutes for Behavior Resources
$100,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Challenge grant for the acquisition, planning, and construction of new headquarters for expansion of mobile drug abuse treatment programs in underserved communities in Baltimore.