Baltimore City Healthy Start, Inc.
$1,000,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Second-year funding of Recovery In Community, a substance abuse prevention and recovery initiative. The purpose of the citywide initiative is to expand the number of treatment slots and increase the resources and supports available to recovering addicts and their families. By assessing the effectiveness of a comprehensive continuum of community-based supports, the program aims to reduce relapses and drug-related crime.
Chrysalis House
$25,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For planning and construction costs for expansion of a long-term residential drug treatment facility for homeless women and their children. The program, a family focused treatment approach, provides a variety of interventions addressing residents’ needs: parenting, vocational and social skills, education, and housing.
Homeless Persons Representation Project
$5,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For research of criminal records legislation and assessment of the efficacy of state laws in New York, Pennsylvania, and California that require employers to treat ex-offenders fairly.
Education Fund, Inc.
$100,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For continued support of a grassroots coalition to educate Maryland citizens and policy makers about the need for universal health coverage in the state.
University of Maryland at College Park
$31,383 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For a study assessing the effectiveness of reverse commuting as a strategy for low-income job seekers to access job opportunities in outlying areas of Baltimore City. The effort includes technical assistance to the West Baltimore Empowerment Zone Village Centers, assisting them in determining results, and in identifying areas of job access and retention in Howard County. University of Maryland.