Publications Library

Baltimore’s Digital Divide: Gaps in Internet Connectivity and the Impact on Low-income City Residents

This Abell Report documents the depths of Baltimore’s digital divide, a systemic problem that is now urgent and acute as it creates barriers to remote learning, telehealth appointments, and applying for jobs and benefits.

Drilling Down in Baltimore’s Neighborhoods

This Abell Report mines data from 2000 to 2017 to better understand how the racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic composition of Baltimore’s neighborhoods have changed.

Microplastics: the Grand Reach of Our Tiny Plastics Problem

Microplastics pollution in Bay waters is an urgent issue that may affect the overall success of the Chesapeake Bay restoration effort.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Blue Water Baltimore highlights the challenges with the implementation of green stormwater infrastructure in this Abell-Supported research.

The Economic Benefits of Maryland’s Historic Revitalization Tax Credit Program

Maryland must seize the opportunity to strengthen the Historic Tax Credit program and further the reuse and redevelopment of historic structures in Baltimore and across the state.

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