Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Baltimore Corps

$78,000 / 2021 / Education

The Baltimore Corps Mayoral Fellowship Program provides fifteen undergraduate seniors and graduate students a ten-week, full time, internship in high priority City Hall offices/agencies, working on Executive-level projects under key directors. In addition to their work assignments, participants attend weekly luncheons with pertinent speakers, do community service projects, and enjoy planned social events around the City. The ultimate goal of the Mayoral Fellowship is to encourage talented individuals, with an interest in public service to seek permanent positions within City government.

Teach For America-Baltimore

$125,000 / 2021 / Education

Teach For America’s organizational mission is to find, develop, and support equity-oriented leaders, to transform education and expand opportunity for children, starting in the classroom. Teach For America Baltimore utilizes a strategy of recruiting a diverse group of leaders from across the nation to commit at least two years of teaching to high needs classrooms. For the 2020-2021 school year, Teach For America seeks to strategically recruit and place 83-92 diverse corps members in difficult to staff teaching positions in low-income schools, alongside providing ongoing support to nearly 1300 alumni leaders working in various roles including principals, non-profit leaders, or other positions with the capacity to impact education throughout the city.

Patterson Park Public Charter School Inc.

$100,000 / 2021 / Education

Patterson Park Public Charter School is seeking to open a second campus within the Bayview area of Southeast Baltimore on the grounds of the Our Lady of Fatima complex. When at full capacity, Clay Hill Public Charter School (CHPCS) will serve 540 students and their families in Baltimore City. Key activities for phase one of the project include roof repair, window repair, an electrical upgrade, kitchen equipment installation, classroom and corridor improvements, bathrooms and health suite upgrades to become ADA compliant, as well as internet and technology installation. This grant will help with construction costs in preparation for opening of the new charter school in fall of 2021.

Holistic Life Foundation, Inc.

$25,000 / 2021 / Education

The Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) through its Mindful Moments program provides schools the opportunity to address climate and culture through a multi-tiered approach. The program is currently active in 23 schools and serves 3700 students throughout Baltimore. All students attending HLF schools receive the tier one supports by participating in the daily meditations and engaging in the classroom push in services provided by the mindfulness coaches. The most intensive, tier three students are able to self-refer or be directed by a teacher to report to the Mindful Moments room where they have time and space to decompress, cool down, talk to a caring adult, and ultimately return to the classroom better prepared to learn. The mindfulness practice, forwarded by the Holistic Life team equips students with much needed coping, relaxation, and centering techniques that can be employed universally, both inside and outside of the school setting.

Higher Achievement Baltimore

$50,000 / 2021 / Education

The Higher Achievement model provides multi-year, out-of-school programming in the areas of academics enrichment, family engagement, and high school placement support for middle school students in fifth through eighth grades. Each child participating in the program receives around 400 hours of programming. Program outcomes from 2019-2020, yielded 69% of students increasing one letter grade in math or maintaining As and Bs through the second quarter. Through the support of the Abell Foundation grant, Higher Achievement is currently engaging in an expansion plan that seeks to double their footprint by expanding to two additional schools by the Fall of 2022.

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