The Men’s Center, Inc.
$5,000 / 2001 / Health and Human Services
For general support of comprehensive services to inner-city fathers in need of job readiness training, parenting and life skills training, GED classes and individual counseling.
Vehicles for Change, Inc.
$49,000 / 2001 / Health and Human Services
Third-year funding of a transportation program to provide used reconditioned cars for low-income residents of Baltimore City who need a car to get to work.
Boys Hope Girls Hope
$170,000 / 2001 / Health and Human Services
For the purchase of a house in Baltimore City to use as a residential group home for eight at-risk boys. The residential program includes an educational component.
Institutes for Behavior Resources
$35,000 / 2001 / Health and Human Services
Toward a consultancy fee to develop and implement a demonstration project designed to determine the effectiveness of integrating workforce development with drug treatment services.
Open Gates, Inc.
$200,000 / 2001 / Health and Human Services
Toward the capital campaign of a new facility for the Open Gates Health Center established to serve uninsured and underserved families in Pigtown/Washington Village area. The development of two rowhouses will enable the center to provide additional examination rooms, a larger waiting area, laboratory space, storage and administrative offices.