Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

The Baraka School, Inc.

$34,000 / 2004 / Education
For final expenses associated with maintaining The Baraka School property until the lease expires on December 31, 2005. The Baraka School, now closed, was a boarding school located in Kenya, East Africa, serving underachieving Baltimore City middle school boys.

Roland Park Library Initiative, Inc.

$100,000 / 2004 / Education
A challenge grant for the expansion and renovation of the Roland Park branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. The library provides resources and support for the students attending Roland Park Elementary/ Middle School.

The Center for Education Reform

$10,000 / 2004 / Education
Toward the Charter School Resource Fund to support the development of charter schools in Baltimore City.

The SEED Foundation

$185,800 / 2004 / Education
For a feasibility study and planning grant for establishment of a college preparatory public boarding school to serve disadvantaged students in Baltimore City. By providing safe and comfortable room and board, and a network of support involving parents, teachers, house parents, counselors, and boarding community coordinators, this residential school will address challenges facing urban youth.

Commonweal Foundation, Inc.

$18,000 / 2004 / Education
For support of the 2004-2005 Pathways to Success Boarding School Scholarship Program for four students from Baltimore City. Pathways scholars are required to have summer jobs and participate in school-based employment or community service during the school year.

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