Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Commonweal Foundation, Inc.

$18,000 / 2004 / Education
For support of the 2004-2005 Pathways to Success Boarding School Scholarship Program for four students from Baltimore City. Pathways scholars are required to have summer jobs and participate in school-based employment or community service during the school year.

Sisters Academy of Baltimore

$40,000 / 2004 / Education
Toward start-up costs for the establishment of a parochial middle school for at-risk adolescent girls in West Baltimore. The school offers scholarships, small classes, an extended school day, increased parental involvement, and faith-based learning.

Coppin State University

$50,000 / 2004 / Education
In support of the Talented Ten Mentoring Program for 40 at-risk African-American males attending Rosemont Elementary School, Lemmel Middle School, and Douglass High School, all located in the Coppin “Urban Education Corridor.” The program offers mentoring, tutoring, summer academic enrichment, field trips, and exposure to cultural events for students who demonstrate a high potential for academic success but have encountered social, personal, or financial barriers.

Teach For America

$180,000 / 2004 / Education
For expenses related to the cost of recruiting, selecting, training, and building a support network for Teach For America corps members teaching in Baltimore City public schools. These recent college graduates make a two-year commitment and are offered an opportunity to earn a Master of Arts in Teaching at The Johns Hopkins University.

Core Knowledge Foundation

$125,726 / 2004 / Education
For continued implementation of a five-year demonstration project of the Core Knowledge Preschool Curriculum in all Baltimore County Head Start Centers, and in pre-K programs in four Baltimore City public schools. Professional development and the providing of resources in literacy, math, science, social skills, and the arts are intended to improve the quality of instruction and raise the level of teacher competence, with the aim of increasing students’ achievement. Priorities include completion of the Core Knowledge training in art, development of a Core Knowledge certification process, and establishment of a summer institute for teachers on supervision and mentoring.

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