Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Maryland Citizens for the Arts Foundation

$10,000 / 2008 / Arts
Two grants for the continued support of educational and outreach arts programs for FY 2008 and FY 2009.

Museum of Ceramic Art

$34,000 / 2008 / Arts
For support of the 2008-2009 in-school and after-school ceramic art programs in 42 Baltimore City public middle schools. Developed to be integrated with core subjects and aligned with the Maryland State Content Standards, the program reinforces students’ reading, writing, and creative skills. The nine-month program provides each teacher with equipment, supplies, a stipend, coaching, professional training workshops, and monthly networking. While student works are temporarily exhibited in public venues, such as Baltimore’s Visitor Center, arrangements are made for participating schools to create ceramic murals for permanent installations around Baltimore.

Young Victorian Theatre Company

$5,000 / 2008 / Arts
Toward a permanent endowment of a Gilbert and Sullivan acting company.

Baltimore Clayworks, Inc.

$20,000 / 2008 / Arts
Toward the renovation of the Gallery Building, 1883 Provincial House. The renovations will provide additional space for handicapped-accessible exhibitions, offices, workshops, visiting artist housing, and community meeting space.

Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts

$5,000 / 2008 / Arts
A challenge grant for support of the 2008 Baltimore Book Festival. The September festival features more than 300 authors, exhibits, workshops, discussions, reviews of student work by professionals and peers, storytelling, nonstop readings, street performances, and live music.

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