Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Baltimore Shakespeare Festival, Inc.

$5,000 / 2007 / Arts
Challenge grant for support of a residency at Baltimore City College High School. The Festival places a teaching artist for a semester to work with a class of up to 20 students. The students participating in the class often come to the program with no prior theatrical experience and a limited understanding of Shakespeare’s work. Students develop stage presence, vocal projection, and text comprehension, and they learn to perform on stage before an audience in a production of a version of a Shakespeare play.

High Zero Foundation, Inc.

$5,000 / 2007 / Arts
For support of the High Zero 2007 Festival of Experimental Improvised Music. The four-day event, now receiving national notice, attracts high quality avant-garde musicians from around the world to participate in all-new collaborations with Baltimore artists.

Maryland Citizens for the Arts Foundation

$5,000 / 2007 / Arts
For continued support of educational and outreach arts programs designed to increase public awareness and support for the cultural arts in Maryland.

Museum of Ceramic Art

$32,000 / 2007 / Arts
For support of the 2007-2008 in-school and after-school ceramic art programs in 37 Baltimore City public middle schools. Developed to be integrated with core subjects and aligned with the Maryland State Content Standards, the program reinforces students’ reading, writing, and creative skills. The nine-month program provides each teacher with equipment, supplies, a stipend, coaching, professional training workshops, and monthly networking. Student works are exhibited in public venues, while arrangements are made for participating schools to create ceramic murals for permanent installations around Baltimore.

Access Art, Inc.

$5,000 / 2007 / Arts
Toward expenses of an art program for at-risk youth in the Pigtown and Morrell Park neighborhoods. The purpose of Access Art is to provide young children with creative resources that foster responsible citizenship and serve the community through projects such as murals in public spaces and anti-graffiti campaigns.

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