Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

CollegeBound Foundation, Inc.

$49,400 / 2008 / Education
For third-year support of the College Retention Project for Last Dollar grant recipients at nine participating Maryland colleges. Two advisors working with individuals are responsible for student retention on each campus, and serve 180 students. They offer one-on-one support with course selection, academic advising, financial aid, communication, tutorials, and remedial services. Other enhancements include training of junior/senior mentors to serve as resources for underclassmen. Summer jobs are provided for students completing their junior year.

The Piney Woods School

$99,000 / 2008 / Education
To provide scholarships for 11 male students from at-risk environments in Baltimore City to attend a college-preparatory boarding school in Mississippi for the 2008-2009 school year. This grant includes funds for a resident counselor to help each student adjust to boarding school, by encouraging positive attitudes, study habits, appropriate social behavior, and academic achievement.

Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance

$5,000 / 2008 / Education
For continued support of programs designed to integrate the arts into the curriculum of Maryland’s public schools.

The Community School, Inc.

$15,000 / 2008 / Education
For continued support of an alternative school setting for an academic and mentoring program serving youth and adults in the Remington community. This high school alternative program parallels the regular course of study in all content areas, with the goal of qualifying students to pass the GED, and obtain a job or enter college. The Community School serves as a site for the External Diploma Program, which allows adults to earn a Maryland high school diploma by demonstrating experiential learning.

Public Justice Center, Inc.

$50,000 / 2008 / Education
Toward support of the School Continuity Project for youth adversely affected by disruption in housing due to homelessness or awaiting foster care placements. The purpose of the project is to improve access to public education as required by law for these children by providing information and advocacy, offering services to families, and connecting the efforts of educators and homeless/foster-care providers.

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