Publications Library

Preparing All Students for Economic and Career Success

Education Strategy Group (ESG), with funding from the Abell Foundation, conducted an external assessment of career readiness priorities, practices, and programs in Baltimore City Schools.

Reforming Child Support to Improve Outcomes for Children and Families

Child support enforcement practices fuel a cycle of poverty and instability for low-income parents and families. This Abell Report examines the data and recommends strategies Maryland can adopt to reform its child support system.

Making Impactful Juvenile Justice Reform: Lessons from Recent State Efforts

This Abell Report examines recent efforts at reforming the juvenile justice systems in various states and finds key lessons for Maryland.

Adult High School Diploma Achievement in Baltimore

This report examines how adults can earn a high school diploma in Baltimore City and what opportunities exist to improve outcomes for degree attainment.

Baltimore Police Department: Understanding its status as a state agency

The Baltimore Police Department became a state agency over 150 years ago. Would a change to city control have any practical impact?

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