Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Baltimore Talent Education Center

$25,000 / 2012 / Education
For continued support and expansion of a string music instructional program that serves 400 Baltimore City pre-K to high school students in eight school sites. The program teaches music theory and offers instruction in violin, piano, and guitar.

Johns Hopkins University School of Education

$19,738 / 2012 / Education
For an evaluation of the 2012 SummerREADs Book Distribution Program. The evaluation aims to determine the effects of a summer reading program designed to increase reading achievement in the face of reading loss associated with summer vacation.

University of Baltimore

$44,800 / 2012 / Education
For support of the College Readiness Academy, an initiative designed to develop college and academic skills for 380 students in seven Baltimore City public high schools. The initiative aims to increase scores on college placement tests, and ensure that juniors and seniors avoid remedial coursework in college.

Carnegie Institution for Science

$20,000 / 2012 / Education
Toward support of BioEYES, a science education classroom program serving up to 3,200 third, fifth, seventh, and 10th graders in Baltimore City Public Schools. The week-long, hands-on biology unit uses live zebra fish as subjects and enables students to observe life cycles of fish and embryos. Teachers are trained to provide the instruction in subsequent years.

KIPP Baltimore, Inc.

$75,000 / 2012 / Education
For expansion of the KIPP Ujima Village Student Intervention Math pilot program for the 2012-2013 school year. The objectives of the program are to close the achievement gap among low-performing students, increase overall MSA math scores, and create a remediation model for replication.

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