Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Cristo Rey Jesuit High School

$63,285 / 2012 / Education
To provide full scholarships for the remaining years of four existing foster care students, and scholarships for six additional Abell scholars who are either in foster care or are experiencing homelessness.

National Council on Teacher Quality

$15,700 / 2012 / Education

For support of the annual Teacher Prep Review, which will be published in U.S. News and World Report. The review will cover 800 teacher education programs in the U.S., including analyses and ratings for 20 schools in Maryland. The objective of the review is to create a communications strategy that demonstrates ratings are credible, fair, and accurate, and can provide useful information to advocacy groups working for change in state legislatures and school boards.

Curry School of Education Foundation, Inc.

$100,000 / 2012 / Education
Toward support of Project CYCLE, a tested teacher coaching model, designed to improve performance and retention of teachers in Baltimore City Public Schools.

New Leaders-Baltimore

$100,000 / 2012 / Education
For continued support of the New Leaders-Baltimore program, with a goal of recruiting 12 school principals for leadership roles in Baltimore City Public Schools for the 2012-2013 school year. The new cohorts participate in a four-week summer institute, followed by a year-long residency working under an experienced principal. The following year, they are placed in schools with on-the-job networking and support for two years. New Leaders will also launch a one-year Emerging Leaders training program.

ACLU Foundation of Maryland, Inc.

$200,000 / 2012 / Education

Two-year funding for continued support of the Baltimore City Education Reform Project, designed to maintain and secure equitable and adequate state and city education funding for all children in Maryland, with particular focus on disadvantaged children. The agenda calls for the reinstitution of the inflation factor in the budget, advocacy for full-day pre-K programs for poor children, interventions designed to increase attendance, and lower suspension rates. The ACLU will also monitor Baltimore City Public Schools to ensure that management and funding reforms translate into effective educational programming and that there is increased family participation in free and reduced-price meal programs.

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