No Turning Back Supportive Housing for Men/A Step Forward, Inc.
$25,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For the purchase and installation of a new HVAC system, and to cover costs of office supplies and staffing for a transitional housing facility for men recovering from substance abuse. The facility provides housing for up to one year, financial counseling, nutritional classes, family reunification services, along with job readiness and an opportunity to work for a landscaping and hauling business.
A Step Forward, Inc.
$77,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Two grants for pre-development and renovation costs for a property to be used as a Single Room Occupancy facility to house recovering substance abusers. The newly renovated house, with its capacity to serve up to eight men, will be operated as an Oxford House, a democratically run, self-supporting, and drug-free facility. The residents will receive support and services from A Step Forward, Inc. until permanent housing becomes available.
Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland, Inc.
$100,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward the acquisition and renovation of an additional facility of the Female Transitional Housing Program, serving women who are homeless and/or ex-offenders. The expansion to the new facility will provide housing and support services for up to 25 women per year.
Alternative Directions, Inc.
$50,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For continued support of the Turn About Program, a transitional program that provides reentry services, case management, and self-advocacy training for female ex-offenders.
Recovery In Community
$5,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Start-up costs for the new transitional housing program, including training for a house manager and for Internet equipment and services.