Recovery In Community (RIC)
$98,175 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
To provide for transitional housing support and outreach services for clients recovering from substance abuse. RIC is a State of Maryland certified substance abuse treatment program providing comprehensive services to the Franklin Square, Boyd Booth, and Fayette Street communities in Baltimore.
Safe and Sound Campaign for Children and Youth, Inc .
$500,000 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Two-year funding toward the Public Safety Compact, a pre-release and reentry substance-abuse program for 250 ex-offenders each year. The goal of the program is to increase the chances that ex-offenders can successfully reenter their communities by linking in-patient substance-abuse treatment with community-based case management/reentry services. The early-release clients receive wraparound services, including substance-abuse treatment and residence in halfway houses before reintegrating into family and community.
Transitioning Lives, Inc .
$75,000 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Challenge grant for capital expansion of a residential facility to create six double-room occupancy units and four single-room occupancy units for 16 male ex-offenders. Participants in this program are housed for a period of up to six months in a highly structured residential environment where they engage in substance-abuse and vocational counseling, and attend Narcotics Anonymous/Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Job-readiness services, as well as planning for suitable housing options three months prior to departure, are available.
Humanim, Inc.
$5,000 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Seed funding for Reality Resource Group, a residential housing program providing support for four Baltimore City residents recovering from substance abuse.
Foundation of Hope, Inc.
$25,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For operating costs to provide supportive housing for 13 men and 20 women in Baltimore City who are recovering from substance abuse. Fountain of Hope operates five houses with minimum stays of six months, during which time clients seek and secure employment, enroll in a higher education program, and participate in ongoing self-help groups. Residents may stay as long as one year if they need additional time to make the transition back into the community.