No Turning Back, Inc.
$20,000 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward the purchase and renovation of a property for expansion of support services for ten ex-offenders recovering from substance abuse.
The Answer, Inc.
$5,000 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For the purchase of appliances and payment of one month’s utility bill for a faith-based residential substance abuse recovery program providing services to seven clients for up to a six-month stay.
Recovery In Community (RIC)
$98,175 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
To continue funding of placements and outreach services for RIC clients recovering from substance abuse. RIC provides three months of transitional housing for up to 35 clients who had been living in environments inappropriate for recovery.
The Baltimore Station
$50,000 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward final construction costs for expansion and renovation of a residential substance abuse treatment program serving 91 homeless men. The residents are provided with HIV screenings, physical exams, mental health assessments, follow-up treatments, and referrals to GED programs and job training.
Supportive Housing Group, Inc.
$50,000 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
To provide transitional housing and wraparound services to 36 homeless women and their children for a 12- to 16-month period. In addition to providing apartments, Supportive Housing Group offers counseling, a work readiness program, tutoring for children, N/A meetings, and access to health care in preparation for moving into permanent housing.