The Baltimore Station
$100,000 / 2010 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward the renovation of several properties in the Sandtown-Winchester area in West Baltimore to create the Baker Street Station, a long-term residential facility for homeless men, primarily veterans, with addictions. Once the renovation is completed, the facility will house 40 individuals and provide recovery services for up to 24 months.
Chesapeake Center for Youth Development, Inc.
$65,000 / 2010 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward support of the Juvenile Intervention and Family Independence Project in Baltimore City. Working with youth who are at-risk of becoming involved with the juvenile justice system, the center provides ongoing case management to include individual and family counseling, substance abuse treatment, monitoring, and mental health services for up to a year or more. In addition, the center will arrange transportation to court, school meetings, and appointments.
Manifest Wonders Christian Center
$5,000 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward the purchase of furniture and appliances for a new transitional housing facility to accommodate ten ex-offender women in recovery.
Maryland Community Health Initiatives, Inc.
$50,000 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Two-year funding for support of expanded health care and drug abuse treatment services at the Penn North Neighborhood Center. Operating five days a week, the center provides acupuncture, peer recovery supportive services such as NA/AA meetings, relapse prevention groups, life skills, GED classes, and referrals to traditional treatment and wraparound services.
New Vision House of Hope, Inc.
$27,065 / 2009 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward repairs and renovations to a transitional housing facility serving eight men in the reentry/recovery program.