Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Mentoring Mentors, Inc.

$20,000 / 2019 / Education

Mentoring Mentors Inc. is a youth wholeness mentoring program promoting social, emotional, and intellectual development in addition to physical wellness for 6th through 12th grade African-American youth in the West Baltimore Windsor Hills area. Founded in 2015, Mentoring Mentors’ uses a “Near-to-Peer” intergenerational triad model, where young professionals and college students mentor program alumni in high school who, in turn, guide middle school students at Windsor Hills Elementary/Middle School.  Mentoring Mentors enables the mentees, known as “legacy builders,” to receive support services afterschool within their own community to address and overcome adversity.This grant is a capacity building grant in support of staffing to a promising community leader.

The Literacy Lab

$75,000 / 2019 / Education

A replication of the acclaimed Minnesota Reading Corps, Literacy Lab embeds rigorously trained reading tutors in PreK classrooms and provides 1:1 tutoring in schools to children in Kindergarten through third grade. In 2019/20, Literacy Lab nearly doubled in size with 65 tutors serving an anticipated 1,155 children in 24 Baltimore City elementary schools. Literacy Lab tutoring participants are between 1.5 to 5 times as likely to be on grade level than students who started at the same grade level and received no tutoring. In addition, Literacy Lab’s Leading Men program annually employs and trains five recent graduates of color in Pre K classrtooms, preparing them to enter a career in education.

Baltimore Robotics League, fiscally sponsored by the Fund for Educational Excellence

$75,000 / 2019 / Education

In its sixth year, the Baltimore City Robotics League will continue to expand the STEM pipeline by sponsoring at least 90 FIRST Lego, Jr. FIRST Lego, VEX IQ, and VEX extracurricular robotics teams for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Directed by a City Schools Robotics Coordinator, The League provides intensive training/equipment for coaches; sponsors and provides fees for local, state and national robotics tournaments; and will launch a summer camp for the first time in 2020. The League expects to send 8 City teams to the World VEX Competition and the US Open Championships.

Baltimore Kids Chess League, Inc.

$85,000 / 2019 / Education

Sponsored by the Abell Foundation and Baltimore City Public Schools since 2004, Baltimore Kids Chess offers an academic extracurricular program that serves more than 750 children from kindergarten to 12th grade in 40 schools. Teams practice weekly under the auspices of trained chess coaches and compete in novice, local, state and national chess tournaments sponsored by the United States Chess Federation. Baltimore City chess players have gained acclaim for City Schools as a powerhouse; three Kids Chess League teams are expected to advance to the 2020 USCF Nationals.

ACLU Foundation of Maryland, Inc.

$80,000 / 2019 / Education

In spring 2020, the Maryland Legislature will tackle the aggressive “Blueprint” educational policy and school funding formula recommendations from The Kirwan Commission. This session promises to be a once in a generation opportunity to reapply an equitable statewide educational funding formula, particularly for those children living in concentrated poverty. The ACLU has been critical to maintaining educational funding over the last three decades, and will use its core strategies of advocating to policy-makers and school systems, informing and engaging parents, students and community groups, and for the first time in over a decade, litigating.  The goals are to pass a new state funding formula with additional dollars for schools with high concentrated poverty, and to pass the $2.2 billion bill for School Construction.

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