Koinonia Baptist Church
$5,000 / 2007 / Health and Human Services
For removal of lead in metal windows in a building that houses a day care program for toddlers.
South Baltimore Emergency Relief, Inc. (SOBER)
$15,000 / 2007 / Health and Human Services
For general support and for the energy assistance program. SOBER provides food supplies and other basic necessities to more than 250 clients per month. Energy assistance grants are awarded to up to 100 clients who have received utility turn-off notices.
Madison Square Bucs Inner City Youth Program, Inc.
$5,000 / 2007 / Health and Human Services
For general support of the Madison Square Buccaneers’ basketball programs for more than 180 inner-city children, ages six to 14. Operated by volunteer coaches, the program focuses on teaching basketball fundamentals while emphasizing academic achievement. The in-house league and tournament play allows the children to participate in an instructional and competitive environment, and so benefit from the diversity they encounter in different regions and schools.
Towson University
$100,000 / 2007 / Health and Human Services
For the implementation of an oral health intervention program serving up to 100 homeless persons at the Helping Up Mission. The program will provide follow-up oral health care to clients with oral-health needs identified through on-site screenings or referred by Helping Up Mission’s case managers.
Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative Education Fund, Inc.
$35,000 / 2007 / Health and Human Services
For support of public education, maintenance, and strengthening the Health Care for All! Coalition. The program functions in a population where more than 21 percent do not have medical insurance and, consequently, need to learn health care options. The objectives of the coalition are to educate the public about Maryland’s current health care system and the benefits available to the uninsured and underinsured, and to build grassroots support for a universal health care plan.