Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Boys’ Latin School of Maryland

$20,000 / 2006 / Education
To provide the opportunity for a former Baraka School student to attend a private school.

The New Teacher Project

$53,500 / 2006 / Education
For support of the Math Immersion Program, to increase the number of math teachers in Baltimore City public high schools. The program will recruit a minimum of 20 non-math major candidates who demonstrate significant mathematical proficiency, and assist them in meeting state licensing requirements.

Children’s Scholarship Fund

$25,000 / 2006 / Education
To provide tuition assistance for children of low-income families to attend parochial or private schools in Baltimore City. By offering four-year partial tuition grants, the Children’s Scholarship Fund enables children to attend schools of their choice.

Open Society Institute – Baltimore

$100,000 / 2006 / Education
Toward support of an initiative to improve student behavior and reduce suspensions and expulsions in Baltimore City public schools. Open Society will identify and bring best practices and new approaches to student behavior, and advocate for the adoption of successful strategies.

CollegeBound Foundation, Inc.

$173,966 / 2006 / Education
Two-year funding for support of the College Retention Project for Last Dollar Grant program recipients at nine participating Maryland colleges. Working with key individuals on each campus, the advisor will provide one-on-one support for students, including course selection, learning assistance, and financial aid. The goal is to increase the graduation rate of the Last Dollar Grant recipients.

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