Publications Library

2019 Annual Report

Our 2019 Annual Report highlights programs that are meeting the needs of Baltimore’s most vulnerable citizens, advocating for changes to structures and practices that undergird inequality, and supporting residents who are building stronger neighborhoods across our city.

Overcoming Barriers to Homeownership in Baltimore City

Could additional first-time homebuyer incentives and more flexibly underwritten loans reverse declining rates of homeownership in Baltimore? The short answer: not alone.

Baltimore College Fact Book: Data Digest of College Access Outcomes

With support from the Abell Foundation, the Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC) released a College Fact Book, a compendium of college access-related data that provides a detailed overview of Baltimore City Schools (City Schools) students’ experiences preparing for, enrolling in, and completing postsecondary education.

Reforming Baltimore’s Mayoral Elections

How can we increase electoral competition, raise participation, and improve political representation?

The Economic Impact of an Eviction Right to Counsel

A new report from Stout Risius Ross, LLC (Stout), funded by the Abell Foundation, finds an annual investment of $5.7 million in a right to counsel for Baltimore tenants facing eviction would yield $35.6 million in benefits to Baltimore City and the State of Maryland.

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