Publications Library

Abell Salutes: Civic Works’ Baltimore Center for Green Careers

For building “pathways out of poverty” that build on the green economy and create meaningful change for individuals, families, and communities.

Bringing the B to Baltimore: Using B Corporations as a New Tool for Economic Development

Empowering local companies to improve returns to all of their stakeholders — and not just their shareholders — could yield significant benefits for Baltimore City.

Finishing the Job: Modernizing Maryland’s Bail System

The bail system in Maryland is unfair, unsafe, and ineffective.

Healthy Harbor Report Card 2015

In May 2016, the Healthy Harbor initiative of the Waterfront Partnership released its third annual Report Card, with funding providing by the Abell Foundation and other partners.

Abell Salutes: Astor Court Apartments

For housing Baltimore City teachers, building community, and setting a model for creative, purpose-built development that is now being adopted nationwide.

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