Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center

$50,000 / 2012 / Community Development
Capital funding toward renovations for the expansion of programs and counseling services.

Baltimore Public Markets Corporation

$99,854 / 2012 / Community Development
Toward support of the Get Fresh Public Markets initiative, which encourages food vendors to change carryout menus to include healthy, affordable foods.

The Community Power Network

$35,000 / 2012 / Community Development
Toward efforts to develop two community solar projects in Baltimore City designed to demonstrate the potential of solar renewable sources accessible to city residents. These two solar installations will be constructed over a newly installed walk-in cooler at the Civic Works’ Real Food Farm and on a replacement roof of a Baltimore City Public School.

Humanim, Inc.

$8,150 / 2012 / Community Development
To build and test prototype equipment for algae production to be used in a fish farming operation. The objective is to test whether effluent (nutrient-rich discharge water from sewer systems) can be converted into a productive food source for farm-raised fish through small-scale algae production.

University of Maryland

$34,150 / 2012 / Community Development
For support of graduate research toward a plan to reduce fish kills in the Baltimore Harbor, using controlled algae production. The pilot algal turf scrubber has been designed to remove nutrients, which may be recycled as feedstock for biofuels and fertilizer.

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