Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Charles Village Community Foundation, Inc.

$50,195 / 2012 / Community Development
Toward support of the Targeted Safety Patrol Project, a pilot project designed to expand the deployment of patrols in targeted areas on Friday and Saturday nights. Officers on duty will each use a Trikke EV, a three-wheeled electric transport vehicle, to patrol the area.

Fusion Partnerships, Inc.

$10,000 / 2012 / Community Development
For the purchase and installation of fencing for Exeter Gardens in the Historic Jonestown neighborhood. This project is designed to create an opportunity for reuse of a vacant lot for students to learn about gardening, and to encourage residents’ stewardship.

A New Faith Community

$25,300 / 2012 / Community Development
Toward costs related to the installation of a peace garden at the Clay Pots Tutoring Center, an adult literacy and GED program in West Baltimore. By removing a building in disrepair and replacing it with an outdoor garden, the center will offer green space and an outdoor meeting place.

Baltimore Community ToolBank

$33,000 / 2012 / Community Development
Toward Tools for Change expenses related to outreach, fundraising, and staffing. The goal of the expansion effort is to enroll 200-member nonprofit agencies, equip 10,000 volunteers, and lend $180,000 worth of tools to charitable organizations.

Citizens Planning and Housing Association, Inc.

$5,000 / 2012 / Community Development
For a study of the proposed changes to the Baltimore City zoning code to reduce the density of liquor sales outlets and their impact on communities.

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