Parks & People Foundation
$113,000 / 2013 / Health and Human Services
For support of the Hooked on Sports program providing after-school sports programs serving more than 1,100 Baltimore City public school students.
University of Maryland School of Medicine
$5,000 / 2013 / Health and Human Services
Toward the purchase of molecular biology kits and reagents required to develop new methods to increase the susceptibility of cancers to anti-cancer drugs.
Baltimore City Health Department
$50,000 / 2013 / Health and Human Services
For continued support of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative.
HOPE Foundation
$2,000 / 2013 / Health and Human Services
Toward support of distributing care packages of basic needs to the unsheltered homeless population in Baltimore City.
Parkside Warriors
$2,500 / 2013 / Health and Human Services
Toward the purchase of football and cheer uniforms for the 2013 football season for youth in the Belair-Edison neighborhood.