Collington Square Non-Profit Corporation
$45,900 / 2005 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For the purchase of 1217 North Chester Street to be used as a halfway house for recovering addicts. The goal is to reduce the incidence of relapse by providing professional services designed to ease transition to a drug-and alcohol-free lifestyle.
Druid Heights Community Development Corporation/ New Life, Inc.
$20,000 / 2005 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For the purchase of 1839 Druid Hill Avenue, to be used as a residential transitional recovery program. The program will provide outreach, counseling services, treatment, and life skills training to adult men who are returning to Baltimore City from prison and in recovery from drug addiction.
Episcopal Housing Corporation
$19,000 / 2005 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward pre-development costs for renovations of a facility for the Recovery In Community substance abuse recovery program.
Foundation of Hope, Inc.
$15,000 / 2005 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Seed funding for a 12-month supportive housing program in Baltimore City for individuals recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.
Fusion Partnerships, Inc.
$25,000 / 2005 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For an evaluation of Power Inside, an outreach program serving 200 women affected by incarceration, street life, and abuse. The program offers direct client services, leadership development, and public education to help build self-sufficiency, heal from violence, and avoid criminal justice system contact.