Citizens Planning and Housing Association
$85,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward support of Access to Housing, a program designed to set standards for housing of homeless, ex-offenders, and recovering addicts. Baltimore Area Association for Supportive Housing (BAASH) will continually assess quality of housing for the homeless, and provide guidance on best practices. BAASH will train and provide technical assistance to new providers upon request.
Women’s Housing Coalition
$20,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Two-year funding to continue support of services to homeless women with mental illness and drug addiction. By sustaining a contractual counselor and psychiatrist, the Coalition expects to reduce the rate of program incompletion by 50 percent and to increase the medication compliance rate among participants.
Foundation of Hope, Inc.
$25,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For operating costs to provide supportive housing for 13 men and 20 women in Baltimore City who are recovering from substance abuse. Fountain of Hope operates five houses with minimum stays of six months, during which time clients seek and secure employment, enroll in a higher education program, and participate in ongoing self-help groups. Residents may stay as long as one year if they need additional time to make the transition back into the community.
Minute By Minute, Inc.
$5,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For roof repair and renovations to the basement of a long-term residential treatment facility that serves female ex-offenders in West Baltimore.
Foundation of Hope, Inc.
$5,000 / 2007 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward the purchase of furniture, appliances, and related expenses of a new Single Occupancy Residency for men recovering from alcohol and substance abuse.