Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Tuerk House, Inc.

$150,000 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward Phase 1 renovation costs of Tuerk House, a residential treatment facility for recovering addicts and alcoholics. Serving as a 28-day residential program and out-patient clinic, Tuerk House is undertaking improvements to meet code requirements for the infrastructure and safety regulations, including the installation of a new sprinkler system and replacement of a roof. Tuerk House serves more than 900 individuals a year.

Baltimore City Health Department

$100,000 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For the expansion of Safe Streets. The initiative is designed to reduce gun-related violence in five high-crime communities in Baltimore City by training neighborhood outreach workers in the techniques of conflict resolution, in an effort to reduce violent confrontations. An evaluation of the initiative is being conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

TuTTie’s Place

$46,000 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For the purchase of furniture and equipment for a new 16-bed residential group home for Baltimore City foster-care children, ages 14-21. TuTTie’s Place is committed to providing care for hard-to-serve foster children who have experienced multiple failed placements.

Baltimore Outreach Services, Inc. (BOS)

$50,000 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
Toward the purchase and renovation costs of three new units to help meet demand for transitional housing. BOS provides housing services to the residents for up to two years.

University of Maryland School of Medicine

$37,900 / 2008 / Criminal Justice and Addiction
For the cost of producing ten PSAs and a three-minute violence prevention program designed to reach at-risk disadvantaged teens from Baltimore City through cell phones and other portable media. Links to the videos will be posted on You Tube and My Space. DVDs will be available to all Baltimore City public schools. An evaluation will be conducted to determine if these emerging technologies are a viable dissemination mechanism to reach the targeted audience.

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