Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Baltimore Corps

$50,000 / 2018 / Community Development

In support of expanding the range of capital available to entrepreneurs through the Kiva platform.

Venture for America

$150,000 / 2018 / Community Development

In support of costs related to recruiting, selecting, training, and placing 2018 Fellows in Baltimore.

Latino Economic Development Center

$40,000 / 2018 / Community Development

In support of the Baltimore Small Business Services program.

Baltimore Community ToolBank

$14,000 / 2018 / Community Development

In support of providing inventory enhancements and staff support in response to partner demand.

Adopt A Block, Inc.

$12,000 / 2018 / Community Development

In support of renovating abandoned homes in Baltimore and donating them to select first-time homeowners.

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