Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Environmental Defense Fund

$17,500 / 2021 / Environment

In support of the Clean Air for Baltimore initiative, which will reduce air pollution and associated health impacts from freight and cargo transportation in collaboration with the Port of Baltimore, one of Baltimore City’s largest and most concentrated sources of emissions.

Environmental Integrity Project

$50,000 / 2021 / Environment

In support of the Baltimore Environmental Justice Campaign, which acts on community environmental health concerns by strengthening state regulation of methane pollution from landfills and ash by-product from burning trash in incinerators, and encouraging waste reduction and diversion.

Chesapeake Legal Alliance

$35,000 / 2021 / Environment

The Baltimore region, with its long history of polluting industrial practices, segregation, and racism, has a legacy not only of serious water pollution, but of disparate impact on proximate fenceline communities, neighborhoods which are primarily comprised of Black residents, people of color and residents with low incomes. Chesapeake Legal Alliance (CLA) will provide free legal services and train private attorneys to engage with community members on pro-bono environmental cases to reduce industrial discharge pollution through enforcement of permits in compliance with the Clean Water Act.

Environment America Research & Policy Center

$26,000 / 2021 / Environment

Maryland needs to quickly ramp up its solar siting and production to meet statewide goals. As suggested in the Abell Report “Getting Solar Siting Right in Maryland,” rooftops and parking lots of big box stores are ideal for solar energy installations as they build on already-developed infrastructure and do not disturb undeveloped, productive agricultural or forested land. Grant funds will enable Environment America to conduct research on the viability of rooftop solar on big-box retail stores in Maryland and other states and launch an advocacy campaign to encourage corporate investment in solar installations in Baltimore and Maryland.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation

$150,000 / 2021 / Environment

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) initiated oyster gardening efforts as a nature-based solution to pollution with the knowledge that a single adult oyster can filter and clean up to 50 gallons of water per day and oyster beds provide essential habitat for fish and other Bay creatures. The oysters will be grown on a novel solar powered and automated production system on a floating platform to replenish native oyster populations at Fort Carroll. CBF will provide a complementary environmental education and oyster gardening workshops to teachers and community members on the restoration challenges of the Chesapeake Bay.

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