Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Environment Law Institute

$10,000 / 2005 / Environment
In support of “Putting Tax Policies in the Service of Chesapeake Bay Pollution Prevention.” The goal is to develop tax incentives that support Maryland agriculture, while providing measures to help prevent water pollution caused by agricultural practices.

Herring Run Watershed Association

$55,000 / 2005 / Environment
Two grants toward renovation of the Herring Run Watershed Center responding to “green technologies” that have been developed to reduce residential energy costs. The green plan includes the installation of a bamboo floor, solar hot water heating system, cistern to gather rainwater, and use of green-friendly materials. With the expectation that this effort should reduce energy costs by 30 percent, the storefront rowhouse will serve as a model for other neighborhood rowhouses.

Maryland PIRG Foundation

$20,000 / 2005 / Environment
Challenge grant to provide staffing in support of the Environmental Health Policy Project. In partnership with other nonprofits, Maryland PIRG will work to raise awareness of mercury, dioxin, and other health-related environmental concerns, pursue media coverage, and produce reports on the harmful effects of airborne toxins.

1000 Friends of Maryland

$60,000 / 2004 / Environment
To support the Partners for Open Space campaign to help restore the funding for Maryland’s land conservation. The partners, a coalition of more than 120 environmental organizations across Maryland, plan to launch an educational program to showcase the long-term benefits to the community of continuing statewide land conservation initiatives, park improvements, and newly acquired public land.

1000 Friends of Maryland

$25,000 / 2004 / Environment
For an organizational assessment and development of a strategic plan. As a leading environmental advocacy organization, 1000 Friends is a public voice for preserving Maryland’s natural resources and open space while encouraging planned growth and redevelopment, and reinvestment in older neighborhoods.

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