Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

South River Federation, Inc.

$5,000 / 2007 / Environment
For continued support of the South Riverkeeper initiative. The Riverkeeper program, in its efforts to protect the South River, will undertake specific legal actions and related advocacy efforts to promote better enforcement of sediment control in critical areas and other laws governing the use of land and resources in the South River watershed. While investigating dozens of complaints, the Riverkeeper will continue to expand and use its neighborhood-based volunteers to watch over the creeks and provide the eyes and ears to spot critical area violations and problems with sediment and erosion control.

West/Rhode Riverkeeper, Inc.

$5,000 / 2007 / Environment
For continued support of outreach activities in efforts to protect, preserve, and restore the West River, the Rhode River, surrounding tributaries, and watershed. The group plans to enhance preservation and restoration efforts by operating a waste-water pump-out boat on the rivers, and expanding water quality monitoring and bacteria testing efforts to 12 sites. It will continue to advocate for greater enforcement of the Critical Area Act.

West/Rhode Riverkeeper, Inc.

$10,000 / 2006 / Environment
For start-up costs for monitoring activities to clean up the West/Rhode River watershed by increasing the number of volunteers and expanding outreach activities. The riverkeeper will meet with state and local leaders to develop cooperative efforts, file complaints with state and county commissioners, testify on pollution issues, commission a study on the effectiveness of the Critical Area Act, and review approved variances.

1000 Friends of Maryland

$35,000 / 2006 / Environment
For continued support of Partners for Open Space and Program Open Space. The Partners will commission a statewide poll to assess the extent of grassroots support for the preservation efforts of Green Print, Rural Legacy, Maryland Preservation Farmland Foundation, and Heritage Conservation Fund as well as Program Open Space. A report, “The High Cost of Conservation Cuts to Counties,” will be released and disseminated to public officials and legislators.

Audubon Maryland-DC

$30,000 / 2006 / Environment
In support of educational services at the Audubon Center in Patterson Park. Working closely in partnership with neighboring schools, Audubon offers curriculum integrating Maryland Content Standards, field trips, and end-of-year service projects for elementary, middle, and high school students.

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