Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

$15,000 / 2013 / Environment
Toward support of the Maryland Climate Coalition’s study of the ratepayer impact of raising Maryland’s Renewable Portfolio Standard to 40% by 2025.

Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy

$20,000 / 2013 / Environment
Toward Phase II of the Water Quality Monitoring Program.

National Wildlife Federation

$20,500 / 2013 / Environment
For vouchers, rain barrels, and demonstration gardens in support of the Community Wildlife Habitat in Baltimore City.

Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

$10,000 / 2012 / Environment
To strengthen Maryland’s environmental voice by educating voters on priority public policy issues. These issues include open space funding, transportation, offshore wind energy, and storm water management. The league will rely extensively on email alerts, its website, blogging, and social networking, in an effort to engage its base of 241,000 online environmental activists.

Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy

$20,000 / 2012 / Environment
Toward support of the Water Quality Monitoring Program, for the Choptank River, the Tred Avon River, the Miles and Wye rivers, and the Eastern Bay. More than 50 trained volunteers are engaged in the extensive water-monitoring program, which tests 84 sites bi-monthly to detect hot spots, illegal discharges, farm runoff, septic tank leakages, erosion sediment, and algae blooms. Findings are included in the conservancy’s second annual report and incorporated into the Phase II Watershed Implementation Plan for Talbot, Kent, and Caroline counties.

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